The series of working papers contains recent advances on some aspects of optimal transport theory and its applications. Optimal transport is a classic topic in mathematics, developed by G. Monge and L. Kantorovich, concerning coupling between two or more measures by minimizing some cost function. Multi-marginal optimal transport problems are also addressed in the working paper series on Joint mixability and negative dependence and on Robust risk aggregation in the disguise of dependence modeling and risk management. This working paper series contains some new directions of optimal transport which are not necessarily connected. A brief description of each working paper is provided below to explain its main results and the logical structure across papers. | |||
WP07 |
Quadratic-form optimal transport
(by Ruodu Wang, Zhenyuan Zhang) | ||
We introduce the framework of quadratic-form optimal transport (QOT). Interesting examples include inequality measurement, the variance of a bivariate function, covariance, Kendall's tau, the Gromov--Wasserstein distance, quadratic assignment problems, and quadratic regularization of classic optimal transport. For a wide class of cost functions, including the rectangular cost functions, the QOT problem is solved by a new coupling called the diamond transport, whose copula is supported on a diamond in the unit square. | |||
WP06 |
Distorted optimal transport
(by Haiyan Liu, Bin Wang, Ruodu Wang, Shengchao Zhuang) | ||
We study the framework of distorted optimal transport by minimizing a distorted expected cost instead of the expected cost, and obtain several results in this framework. | |||
WP05 |
Composite sorting
(by Job Boerma, Aleh Tsyvinski, Ruodu Wang, Zhenyuan Zhang) | ||
This paper proposes a tractable framework of composite sorting for workers and jobs in the labour market. The theory is built based on optimal transport on the real line with concave cost functions. This framework allows for the study of within-job wage dispersion within occupations in the United States. | |||
WP04 |
Martingale transports and Monge maps
(by Marcel Nutz, Ruodu Wang, Zhenyuan Zhang) | ||
This paper establishes in Theorem 2.1 that, for any two probability measures on the real line increasing in convex order with the second one atomless, there exists a martingale transport that is backward Monge, or forward injective. Such martingale transport is also dense in a natural sense (Theorem 2.3), and a refined version of Strassen's theorem (Theorem 3.1) is obtained. It is conjectured that a version of Theorem 2.1 should also hold true on general spaces but we could not find a proof. The journal version is published in Annals of Applied Probability (2024). | |||
WP03 |
Joint mixability and negative orthant dependence (by Takaaki Koike, Liyuan Lin, Ruodu Wang) | ||
This paper connects joint mix dependence (JM) and some classic negative dependence concepts (ND). In contrast to JM which solves a multi-marginal optimal transport problem, a combination of JM and ND solves a corresponding problem under uncertainty. This paper is cross-listed as WP14 of Joint mixability and negative dependence. The journal version is published in Mathematics of Operations Research (2024). | |||
WP02 |
Simultaneous optimal transport
(by Ruodu Wang, Zhenyuan Zhang) | ||
This paper contains the general framework of simultaneous mass transport, that is, mass transport between vector-valued measures. The new framework is motivated by the need to transport resources of different types simultaneously, i.e., in single trips, from specified origins to destinations. The mathematical structure of simultaneous transport is very different from the classic setting of optimal transport, leading to many new challenges and results. The journal version is accepted by Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2024). | |||
WP01 |
The directional optimal transport
(by Marcel Nutz, Ruodu Wang) | ||
We introduce the directional optimal transport problem where origins on the real line can only be transported to destinations to the right of the origins. We obtain an optimal coupling for supermodular costs, which admits manifold characterizations: geometric, order-theoretic, as optimal transport, through the cdf, and via the transport kernel. The journal version is published in Annals of Applied Probability (2022). |