Welcome to Ruodu Wang's Homepage

Lhasa, China, 2019

Working Paper Series

Axiomatic theory of risk measures Risk sharing, allocation, and equilibria
Joint mixability and negative dependence Robust risk aggregation
Risk management with risk measures E-values: Theory and methods
Optimal transport and its applications

E-values: Theory and methods

Click this link for a very small review article (updated June 2023) on e-values and e-processes.
Click this link for an e-book (draft) co-authored with Aaditya Ramdas.

The series of working papers contains recent advances on the theory and methods of e-values and e-processes. Here, e in e-values stands for expectation whereas p in p-values stands for probability. E-values have many advantages over p-values. In particular, they are convenient for optional stopping in data collection and experiment design, arbitrary dependence in multiple testing, and high-dimensional composite hypotheses. E-values are intimately linked to martingales, likelihood ratios, and betting scores (Glenn Shafer); see details in WP01. This working paper series has an overlap with Hypothesis testing with e-values maintained by Vladimir Vovk. See also the work of Peter Grünwald and Aaditya Ramdas. Some basic terminology and their references are listed below.

  • The null (hypothesis): A collection of probability measures to test (WP01)
  • E-values: Realizations of e-variables (WP01)
  • E-variables: Non-negative random variables with mean no larger than 1 under the null (WP01)
  • E-processes: Stochastic processes yielding an e-variable at any stopping time under the null (WP06)
  • P-values: Realizations of p-variables (WP05)
  • P-variables: Random variables stochastically dominating a standard uniform under the null (WP05)
  • Merging methods: Methods to combine several p-variables or e-variables into one (WP01)
  • E-confidence intervals: Confidence intervals (CIs) for a parameter generated by a class of e-variables associated with the parameter (WP02)
  • False discovery rate: The expected ratio of #(false discoveries) to #(total discoveries) (WP06)
  • False coverage rate: The expected ratio of #(mis-coverages) to #(total selected CIs) (WP09)
  • A brief description of each working paper is provided below to explain its main results and the logical structure across papers.

    WP17 Improved thresholds for e-values
    (by Christopher Blier-Wong, Ruodu Wang)

    We offer improved thresholds for e-values over Markov's inequality under distributional information. For many common assumptions, the required threshold can be divided by a factor of 2 or exp(1). The main results can be seen as generalizations of Markov's inequality.

    WP16 Combining exchangeable p-values
    (by Matteo Gapsarin, Ruodu Wang, Aaditya Ramdas)

    With the help of e-values we obtain merging methods for vectors of exchangeable p-values. They strictly improve the classic methods in a few ways. For example, we derive randomized and/or exchangeable improvements of well known rules like "twice the median" and "twice the average", as well as geometric and harmonic means. The journal version is accepted by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2025).

    WP15 Testing the mean and variance by e-processes
    (by Yixuan Fan, Zhanyi Jiao, Ruodu Wang)

    We construct generic e-processes for testing conditional mean and conditional variance, with optional information on the distributional shape of the test statistics. The journal version is accepted by Biometrika (2024).

    WP14 On the existence of powerful p-values and e-values for composite hypotheses
    (by Zhenyuan Zhang, Aaditya Ramdas, Ruodu Wang)

    We study the existence and construction of exact p-values, e-values and test martingales for composite null and composite alternative. The main result is Theorem 7.3 which establishes necessary and sufficient conditions. The proofs rely on recently developed techniques in simultaneous optimal transport. We also propose the SHINE construction method for exact p-values and e-values. The journal version is accepted by Annals of Statistics (2024).

    WP13 Multiple testing under negative dependence
    (by Ziyu Chi, Aaditya Ramdas, Ruodu Wang)

    The multiple testing literature has primarily dealt with three types of dependence assumptions between p-values: independence, positive regression dependence, and arbitrary dependence. We provide new results about negatively dependent p-values and e-values, and provide several examples as to when negative dependence may arise. The journal version is accepted by Bernoulli (2024).

    WP12 E-backtesting
    (by Qiuqi Wang, Ruodu Wang, Johanna Ziegel)

    One of the most challenging tasks in risk modeling practice is to backtest ES (see the working paper series on Axiomatic theory of risk measures for a background on risk measures) forecasts provided by financial institutions. We use e-values and e-processes to construct a model-free backtesting procedure for ES using a concept of universal e-statistics, which can be naturally generalized to many other risk measures and statistical quantities. The journal version is accepted by Management Science (2025).

    WP11 Nonparametric e-tests of symmetry
    (by Vladimir Vovk, Ruodu Wang)

    We consider testing the nonparametric hypothesis of symmetry, introduce analogues for e-values of three popular nonparametric tests and define an analogue for e-values of Pitman’s asymptotic relative efficiency. The notion of e-power is formally studied. The journal version is published in New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science (2024).

    WP10 E-values as unnormalized weights in multiple testing
    (by Nikolaos Ignatiadis, Ruodu Wang, Aaditya Ramdas)

    We study procedures based on both e-values and p-values for each hypothesis to show the advantages of using e-values as random weights. We also collect several other results, such as a tiny but uniform improvement of e-BH, a soft-rank permutation e-value, and the use of e-values as masks in interactive multiple testing. The journal version is to appear in Biometrika (2023).

    WP09 Post-selection inference for e-value based confidence intervals
    (by Ziyu Xu, Ruodu Wang, Aaditya Ramdas)

    This is a follow-up of WP06. Inspired by the Benjamini-Yekutieli (BY) procedure for reporting confidence intervals, we design the e-BY procedure which uses e-CIs instead of p-CIs. The e-BY procedure has a desirable false coverage rate control under arbitrary dependence and stopping rules, in contrast to the BY procedure. The journal version is published in Electronic Journal of Statistics (2024).

    WP08 A unified framework for bandit multiple testing
    (by Ziyu Xu, Ruodu Wang, Aaditya Ramdas)

    This is a follow-up of WP06. We apply e-values and the e-BH procedure to multi-armed bandit testing problems. We propose a unified, modular framework for FDR control that emphasizes the decoupling of exploration and summarization of evidence. We utilize the powerful e-processes to ensure FDR control for arbitrary composite nulls, exploration rules and stopping times in generic problem settings. The conference version is published in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2021).

    WP07 Testing with p*-values: Between p-values, mid p-values, and e-values
    (by Ruodu Wang)

    We introduce the notion of p*-values (p*-variables), which generalizes p-values (p-variables) in several senses. The new notion has four natural interpretations: operational, probabilistic, Bayesian, and frequentist. A main example of a p*-value is a mid p-value. A unified stochastic representation (Theorem 3.1) for p-values, mid p-values, and p*-values is obtained. The notion of p*-values becomes useful in many situations even if one is only interested in p-values, mid p-values, or e-value; it is connected to e-values in a simple way: 1/(2e) is a p*-value for an e-value e. The journal version is published in Bernoulli (2024).

    WP06 False discovery rate control with e-values
    (by Ruodu Wang, Aaditya Ramdas)

    We design a natural analog of the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure for false discovery control (FDR) control that utilizes e-values (e-BH) and compare it with the standard procedure for p-values. The e-BH procedure includes the BH procedure as a special case through calibration between p-values and e-values. The journal version is published in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (2022).

    WP05 Admissible ways of merging p-values under arbitrary dependence
    (by Vladimir Vovk, Bin Wang, Ruodu Wang)

    This paper is a follow-up of WP12 of Joint mixability and negative dependence. We study the admissibility in Wald's sense of p-merging functions and their domination structure under arbitrary dependence. As a technical tool e-values become essential in the main results (Theorems 5.1 and 5.2). Another result (Theorem 6.2) showing the admissibility of some p-merging methods uses results on Joint mixability and negative dependence. The journal version is published in Annals of Statistics (2022).
    - Erratum in Eq. (21) of the journal version: f(1)=0 should be f(τ)=0.

    WP04 Merging sequential e-values via martingales
    (by Vladimir Vovk, Ruodu Wang)

    This is a follow-up of WP01. We study the problem of merging sequential or independent e-values into one e-value for statistical decision making. We describe a class of e-value merging functions via martingale merging functions, and show that all merging methods for sequential e-values are dominated by such a class. In case of merging independent e-values, the situation becomes much more sophisticated, and we provide a general class of such merging functions based on reordered test martingales. The journal version is published in Electronic Journal of Statistics (2024).

    WP03 True and false discoveries with independent and sequential e-values
    (by Vladimir Vovk, Ruodu Wang)

    This is a follow-up of WP02. We use e-discovery matrices in the context of multiple hypothesis testing assuming that the base tests produce independent e-values, and compare those with procedures based on p-values. The journal version is accepted by Canadian Journal of Statistics (2024).

    WP02 Confidence and discoveries with e-values
    (by Vladimir Vovk, Ruodu Wang)

    We discuss systematically two versions of confidence regions: those based on p-values and those based on e-values, the latter are e-confidence intervals (e-CIs). Both versions are applied to multiple hypothesis testing to construct procedures that control the number of false discoveries under arbitrary dependence between the base p- or e-values. We introduce the e-discovery matrices and show that it is efficient both computationally and statistically using simulated and real-world datasets. The journal version is published in Statistical Science (2023).

    WP01 E-values: Calibration, combination, and applications
    (by Vladimir Vovk, Ruodu Wang)

    We introduce e-values in their pure form to the statistical community. In particular, we demonstrate that e-values are often mathematically more tractable and develop procedures using e-values for multiple testing of a single hypothesis and testing multiple hypotheses. Related concepts introduced in this paper are e-variables, sequential e-values, and e-merging functions. The journal version is published in Annals of Statistics (2021).