Welcome to Ruodu Wang's Homepage

Banff, Canada, 2013

Publications and Manuscripts

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Pre-publication Manuscripts


(2024) Hypothesis testing with e-values
(with Aaditya Ramdas)

Working papers posted online

(2025) On convex order and supermodular order without finite mean
(with Benjamin Cรดtรฉ)
(2025) Quadratic-form optimal transport
(with Zhenyuan Zhang)
(2024) Quantiles under ambiguity and risk sharing
(with Peng Liu and Tiantian Mao)
(2024) Prudence and higher-order risk attitudes in the rank-dependent utility model
(with Qinyu Wu)
(2024) Counter-monotonic risk sharing with heterogeneous distortion risk measures
(with Mario Ghossoub and Qinghua Ren)
(2024) The reference interval in higher-order stochastic dominance
(with Qinyu Wu)
(2024) Diversification quotients based on expectiles
(with Xia Han, Liyuan Lin and Hao Wang)
(2024) Compound e-values and empirical Bayes
(with Nikolaos Ignatiadis and Aaditya Ramdas)
(2024) The only admissible way of merging e-values
(2024) Improved thresholds for e-values
(with Christopher Blier-Wong)
(2024) Counter-monotonic risk allocations and distortion risk measures
(with Mario Ghossoub and Qinghua Ren)
(2024) Newsvendor under mean-variance ambiguity and misspecification
(with Zhi Chen, Feng Liu and Shuming Wang)
(2024) Sub-uniformity of harmonic mean p-values
(with Yuyu Chen, Yuming Wang and Wenhao Zhu)
(2024) Disappointment concordance and duet expectiles
(with Fabio Bellini, Tiantian Mao and Qinyu Wu)
(2024) Elicitability and identifiability of tail risk measures
(with Tobias Fissler, Fangda Liu and Linxiao Wei)
(2024) Allocation mechanisms in decentralized exchange markets with frictions
(with Mario Ghossoub and Giulio Principi)
(2024) Coherent risk measures and uniform integrability
(with Muqiao Huang)
(2024) Risk exchange under infinite-mean Pareto models
(with Yuyu Chen and Paul Embrechts)
(2024) Max-stability under first-order stochastic dominance
(with Christopher Chambers, Alan Miller and Qinyu Wu)
(2024) Partially law-invariant risk measures
(with Yi Shen and Zachary Van Oosten)
(2024) Optimal sharing, equilibria, and welfare without risk aversion
(with Jean-Gabriel Lauzier and Liyuan Lin)
(2023) Variance optimality of empirical martingale simulation estimators
(with Zhenyu Cui, Yanchu Liu, Cai Wu and Lingjiong Zhu)
(2023) A duality between utility transforms and probability distortions
(with Christopher Chambers and Peng Liu)
(2023) Distorted optimal transport
(with Haiyan Liu, Bin Wang and Shengchao Zhuang)
(2023) Composite sorting
(with Job Boerma, Aleh Tsyvinski and Zhenyuan Zhang)
(2023) Risk sharing, measuring variability, and distortion riskmetrics
(with Jean-Gabriel Lauzier and Liyuan Lin)
(2022) Characterizing fractional degree stochastic dominance by invariance laws
(with Tiantian Mao and Lin Zhao)
(2022) An axiomatic theory for anonymized risk sharing
(with Zhanyi Jiao, Steven Kou and Yang Liu)
(2022) Model aggregation for risk evaluation and robust optimization
(with Tiantian Mao and Qinyu Wu)

Refereed Articles


[123] (2025) E-backtesting
Management Science
(with Qiuqi Wang and Johanna Ziegel)
[122] (2025) Monotonic mean-deviation risk measures
Finance and Stochastics
(with Xia Han and Qinyu Wu)
[121] (2025) Risk aversion and insurance propensity
American Economic Review
(with Fabio Maccheroni, Massimo Marinacci and Qinyu Wu)
[120] (2025) Combining exchangeable p-values
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
(with Matteo Gasparin and Aaditya Ramdas)
[119] (2025) The checkerboard copula and dependence concepts
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
(with Liyuan Lin, Ruixun Zhang and Chaoyi Zhao)
[118] (2025) Cash-subadditive risk measures without quasi-convexity
Mathematics of Operations Research
(with Xia Han, Qiuqi Wang and Jianming Xia)
[117] (2024) Simultaneous optimal transport
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
(with Zhenyuan Zhang)
[116] (2024) Anticomonotonicity for preference axioms: The natural counterpart to comonotonicity
Theoretical Economics
(with Giulio Principi and Peter Wakker)
[115] (2024) Probabilistic risk aversion for generalized rank-dependent functions
Economic Theory
(with Qinyu Wu)
[114] (2024) Testing the mean and variance by e-processes
(with Yixuan Fan and Zhanyi Jiao)
[113] (2024) Convolution bounds on quantile aggregation
Operations Research
(with Jose Blanchet, Henry Lam and Yang Liu)
[112] (2024) Optimizing distortion riskmetrics with distributional uncertainty
Mathematical Programming
(with Silvana Pesenti and Qiuqi Wang)
[111] (2024) Diversification quotients: Quantifying diversification via risk measures
Management Science
(with Xia Han and Liyuan Lin)
[110] (2024) An unexpected stochastic dominance: Pareto distributions, dependence, and diversification
Operations Research
(with Yuyu Chen and Paul Embrechts)

[109] (2024) A theory of credit rating criteria
Management Science
(with Nan Guo, Steven Kou and Bin Wang)


[108] (2025) Dominance between combinations of infinite-mean Pareto random variables
European Journal of Operational Research, 323(1), 341-350
(with Yuyu Chen, Taizhong Hu and Zhenfeng Zou)
[107] (2024) Multiple testing under negative dependence
Bernoulli, 31(2), 1230-1255
(with Ziyu Chi and Aaditya Ramdas)
[106] (2025) Infinite-mean models in risk management: Discussions and recent advances
Risk Sciences, 1, 100003
(with Yuyu Chen)


[105] (2024) Martingale transports and Monge maps
Annals of Applied Probability, 34(6), 5556-5577
(with Marcel Nutz and Zhenyuan Zhang)
[104] (2024) Joint mixability and notions of negative dependence
Mathematics of Operations Research, 49(4), 2786-2802
(with Takaaki Koike and Liyuan Lin)
[103] (2024) On the existence of powerful p-values and e-values for composite hypotheses
Annals of Statistics, 52(5), 2241-2267
(with Aaditya Ramdas and Zhenyuan Zhang)
[102] (2024) True and false discoveries with independent and sequential e-values
Canadian Journal of Statistics, 52(4), e11833
(with Vladimir Vovk)
[101] (2024) A new characterization of second-order stochastic dominance
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 119, 261-267
(with Yuanying Guan and Muqiao Huang)
[100] (2024) A reverse ES (CVaR) optimization formula
North American Actuarial Journal, 28(3), 611-625
(with Yuanying Guan and Zhanyi Jiao)
[99] (2024) Invariant correlation under marginal transforms
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 204, 105361
(with Takaaki Koike and Liyuan Lin)
[98] (2024) A theory of multivariate stress testing
European Journal of Operational Research, 318(3), 851-866
(with Pietro Millossovich and Andreas Tsanakas)
[97] (2024) Post-selection inference for e-value based confidence intervals
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 18(1), 2292-2338
(with Aaditya Ramdas and Ziyu Xu)
[96] (2024) Nonparametric e-tests of symmetry
New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science, 2(2), 261-270
(with Vladimir Vovk)
[95] (2024) Risk concentration and the mean-Expected Shortfall criterion
Mathematical Finance, 34(3), 819-846
(with Xia Han, Bin Wang and Qinyu Wu)
[94] (2024) Calibrating distribution models from PELVE
North American Actuarial Journal, 28(2), 373-406
(with Hirbod Assa and Liyuan Lin)
[93] (2024) E-values as unnormalized weights in multiple testing
Biometrika, 111(2), 417-439
(with Nikolaos Ignatiadis and Aaditya Ramdas)
[92] (2024) A framework for measures of risk under uncertainty
Finance and Stochastics, 28(2), 363-390
(with Tolulope Fadina and Yang Liu)
[91] (2024) Merging sequential e-values via martingales
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 18(1), 1185-1205
(with Vladimir Vovk)
[90] (2024) Testing with p*-values: Between p-values, mid p-values, and e-values
Bernoulli, 30(2), 1313-1346


[89] (2023) Choquet regularization for continuous-time reinforcement learning
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 61(5), 2777-2801
(with Xia Han and Xunyu Zhou)
[88] (2023) Diversification quotients based on VaR and ES
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 113, 185-197
(with Xia Han and Liyuan Lin)
[87] (2023) Pairwise counter-monotonicity
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 111, 279-287
(with Jean-Gabriel Lauzier and Liyuan Lin)
[86] (2023) One axiom to rule them all: A minimalist axiomatization of quantiles
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 14(2), 644-662
(with Tolulope Fadina and Peng Liu)
[85] (2023) Confidence and discoveries with e-values
Statistical Science, 38(2), 329-354
(with Vladimir Vovk)
[84] (2023) Trade-off between validity and efficiency of merging p-values under arbitrary dependence
Statistica Sinica, 33, 851-872
(with Yuyu Chen, Peng Liu and Ken Seng Tan)
[83] (2023) PELVE: Probability equivalent level of VaR and ES
Journal of Econometrics, 234(1), 353-370
(with Hengxin Li)
[82] (2023) An impossibility theorem on capital allocation
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2023(3), 290-302
(with Yuanying Guan and Andreas Tsanakas)


[81] (2022) Fractional stochastic dominance in rank-dependent utility and cumulative prospect theory
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 103, 102766
(with Tiantian Mao)
[80] (2022) Star-shaped risk measures
Operations Research, 70(5), 2637-2654
(with Erio Castagnoli, Giacomo Cattelan, Fabio Maccheroni and Claudio Tebaldi)
[79] (2022) Inf-convolution, optimal allocations, and model uncertainty for tail risk measures
Mathematics of Operations Research, 47(3), 2494-2519
(with Fangda Liu, Tiantian Mao and Linxiao Wei)
[78] (2022) False discovery rate control with e-values.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 84(3), 822-852
(with Aaditya Ramdas)
[77] (2022) Parametric measures of variability induced by risk measures
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 106, 270-284
(with Fabio Bellini, Tolulope Fadina and Yunran Wei)
[76] (2022) The directional optimal transport
Annals of Applied Probability, 32(2), 1400-1420
(with Marcel Nutz)
[75] (2022) Admissible ways of merging p-values under arbitrary dependence
Annals of Statistics, 50(1), 351-375
(with Vladimir Vovk and Bin Wang)
[74] (2022) Optimal insurance to maximize RDEU under a distortion-deviation premium principle
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 104, 35-59
(with Xiaoqing Liang and Virginia Young)
[73] (2022) Variance comparison between IPA and LR estimators to stochastic gradient
Operations Research Letters, 50(2), 199-204
(with Zhenyu Cui and Yanchu Liu)
[72] (2022) Robustness in the optimization of risk measures
Operations Research, 70(1), 95-110
(with Paul Embrechts and Alexander Schied)
[71] (2022) Risk measures induced by efficient insurance contracts.
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 103, 56-65
(with Qiuqi Wang and Ricardas Zitikis)
[70] (2022) Ordering and inequalities for mixtures on risk aggregation
Mathematical Finance, 32(1), 421-451
(with Yuyu Chen, Peng Liu and Yang Liu)
[69] (2022) Risk aggregation under dependence uncertainty and an order constraint
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 102, 169-187
(with Yuyu Chen and Liyuan Lin)
[68] (2022) Adjusted Expected Shortfall
Journal of Banking and Finance, 134, 106297
(with Matteo Burzoni and Cosimo Munari)


[67] (2021) A unified framework for bandit multiple testing
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), 16833-16845
(with Aaditya Ramdas and Ziyu Xu)
[66] (2021) Distributional transforms, probability distortions, and their applications
Mathematics of Operations Research, 46(4), 1490-1512
(with Peng Liu and Alexander Schied)
[65] (2021) Competitive equilibria in a comonotone market
Economic Theory, 72, 1217-1255
(with Tim Boonen and Fangda Liu)
[64] (2021) Bayes risk, elicitability, and the Expected Shortfall
Mathematical Finance, 31, 1190-1217
(with Paul Embrechts, Tiantian Mao and Qiuqi Wang)
[63] (2021) Scenario-based risk evaluation
Finance and Stochastics, 25, 725-756
(with Johanna Ziegel)
[62] (2021) A theory for measures of tail risk
Mathematics of Operations Research, 46(3), 1109-1128
(with Fangda Liu)
[61] (2021) E-values: Calibration, combination, and applications
Annals of Statistics, 49(3), 1736-1754
(with Vladimir Vovk)
[60] (2021) Stochastic decomposition for โ„“p-norm symmetric survival functions on the positive orthant
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 184, 104760
(with Jan-Frederik Mai)
[59] (2021) An axiomatic foundation for the Expected Shortfall
Management Science, 67(3), 1413-1429
(with Ricardas Zitikis)


[58] (2020) Combining p-values via averaging
Biometrika, 107(4), 791-808
(with Vladimir Vovk)
[57] (2020) Distortion riskmetrics on general spaces
ASTIN Bulletin, 50(4), 827-851
(with Qiuqi Wang and Yunran Wei)
[56] (2020) Risk functionals with convex level sets
Mathematical Finance, 30(4), 1337-1367
(with Yunran Wei)
[55] (2020) Characterization, robustness and aggregation of signed Choquet integrals
Mathematics of Operations Research, 45(3), 993-1015
(with Yunran Wei and Gordon Willmot)
[54] (2020) Characterizing optimal allocations in quantile-based risk sharing
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 93, 288-300
(with Yunran Wei)
[53] (2020) Quantile-based risk sharing with heterogeneous beliefs
Mathematical Programming, 181(2), 319-347
(with Paul Embrechts, Haiyan Liu and Tiantian Mao)
[52] (2020) Risk aversion in regulatory capital principles
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 11(1), 169-200
(with Tiantian Mao)
[51] (2020) Is the inf-convolution of law-invariant preferences law-invariant?
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 91, 144-154
(with Peng Liu and Linxiao Wei)
[50] (2020) Weak comonotonicity
European Journal of Operational Research, 282, 386-397
(with Ricardas Zitikis)
[49] (2020) Convex risk functionals: Representation and applications
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 90, 66-79
(with Jun Cai, Christiane Lemieux and Fangda Liu)


[48] (2019) Sums of standard uniform random variables
Journal of Applied Probability, 56(3), 918-936
(with Tiantian Mao and Bin Wang)
[47] (2019) Dual utilities on risk aggregation under dependence uncertainty
Finance and Stochastics, 23(4), 1025-1048
(with Zuoquan Xu and Xunyu Zhou)
[46] (2019) An efficient approach to quantile capital allocation and sensitivity analysis
Mathematical Finance, 29(4), 1131-1156
(with Vali Asimit, Liang Peng and Alex Yu)
[45] (2019) Centers of probability measures without the mean
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 32(3), 1482-1501
(with Giovanni Puccetti, Pietro Rigo and Bin Wang)
[44] (2019) Distributional compatibility for change of measures
Finance and Stochastics, 23(3), 761-794
(with Jie Shen, Yi Shen and Bin Wang)
[43] (2019) Compatible matrices of Spearman's rank correlation
Statistics and Probability Letters, 151, 67-72
(with Bin Wang and Yuming Wang)
[42] (2019) Random locations of periodic stationary processes
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129(3), 878-901
(with Jie Shen and Yi Shen)


[41] (2018) Quantile-based risk sharing
Operations Research, 66(4), 936-949
(with Paul Embrechts and Haiyan Liu)
[40] (2018) Worst-case Range Value-at-Risk with partial information
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 9(1), 190-218
(with Lujun Li, Hui Shao and Jingping Yang)
[39] (2018) Asymptotic equivalence of risk measures under dependence uncertainty
Mathematical Finance, 28(1), 29-49
(with Jun Cai and Haiyan Liu)


[38] (2017) Negative dependence in matrix arrangement problems
Annals of Operations Research, online publication
(with Edgars Jakobsons)
[37] (2017) Pareto-optimal reinsurance arrangements under general model settings
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 77, 24-37
(with Jun Cai and Haiyan Liu)
[36] (2017) Gini-type measures of risk and variability: Gini shortfall, capital allocations, and heavy-tailed risks
Journal of Banking and Finance, 83, 70-84
(with Edward Furman and Ricardas Zitikis)

[35] (2017) Risk bounds for factor models
Finance and Stochastics, 21(3), 631-659
(with Carole Bernard, Ludger Rรผschendorf and Steven Vanduffel)
[34] (2017) Collective risk models with dependence uncertainty
ASTIN Bulletin, 47(2), 361-389
(with Haiyan Liu)


[33] (2016) Joint mixability
Mathematics of Operations Research, 41(3), 808-826
(with Bin Wang)
[32] (2016) Bernoulli and tail-dependence compatibility
Annals of Applied Probability, 26(3), 1636-1658
(with Paul Embrechts and Marius Hofert)
[31] (2016) Diversification limit of quantiles under dependence uncertainty
Extremes, 19(2), 143-170
(with Valeria Bignozzi, Tiantian Mao and Bin Wang)
[30] (2016) Regulatory arbitrage of risk measures
Quantitative Finance, 16(3), 337-347
[29] (2016) Computation of credit portfolio loss distribution by a cross entropy method
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 52(1), 287-304
(with Xiaoying Han)
[28] (2016) General convex order on risk aggregation
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2016(8), 713-740
(with Xiaoying Han and Edgars Jakobsons)


[27] (2015) Extremal dependence concepts
Statistical Science, 30(4), 485-517
(with Giovanni Puccetti)
[26] (2015) Seven proofs for the subadditivity of Expected Shortfall
Dependence Modeling, 3, 126-140
(with Paul Embrechts)
[25] (2015) Aggregation-robustness and model uncertainty of regulatory risk measures
Finance and Stochastics, 19(4), 763-790
(with Paul Embrechts and Bin Wang)
[24] (2015) Current open questions in complete mixability
Probability Surveys, 12, 13-32
[23] (2015) How superadditive can a risk measure be?
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, 6(1), 776-803
(with Valeria Bignozzi and Andreas Tsanakas)
[22] (2015) On aggregation sets and lower-convex sets
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 138, 170-181
(with Tiantian Mao)
[21] (2015) Elicitable distortion risk measures: A concise proof
Statistics and Probability Letters, 100, 172-175
(with Johanna Ziegel)
[20] (2015) Extreme negative dependence and risk aggregation
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 136, 12-25
(with Bin Wang)
[19] (2015) Composite Bernstein copulas
ASTIN Bulletin, 45(2), 445-475
(with Zhijin Chen, Fang Wang and Jingping Yang)
[18] (2015) Detecting complete and joint mixability
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 280, 174-187
(with Giovanni Puccetti)
[17] (2015) CreditRisk+ model with dependent risk factors
North American Actuarial Journal, 19(1), 24-40
(with with Liang Peng and Jingping Yang)


[16] (2014) Interval estimation for bivariate t-copulas via Kendall's tau
Variance, 8(1), 43-54
(with Liang Peng)
[15] (2014) Sum of arbitrarily dependent random variables
Electronic Journal of Probability, 19(84), 1-18
[14] (2014) An academic response to Basel 3.5
Risks, 2(1), 25-48
(with Antonela Beleraj, Paul Embrechts, Giovanni Puccetti and Ludger Rรผschendorf)
[13] (2014) Empirical likelihood test for high-dimensional linear models
Statistics and Probability Letters, 86, 85-90
(with Liang Peng and Yongcheng Qi)
[12] (2014) Asymptotic bounds for the distribution of the sum of dependent random variables
Journal of Applied Probability, 51(3), 780-798
[11] (2014) Risk aggregation with dependence uncertainty
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 54, 93-108
(with Carole Bernard and Xiao Jiang)


[10] (2013) Complete mixability and asymptotic equivalence of worst-possible VaR and ES estimates
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 53(3), 821-828
(with Giovanni Puccetti and Bin Wang)
[9] (2013) Tests for covariance matrix with fixed or divergent dimension
Annals of Statistics, 41(4), 2075-2096
(with Liang Peng and Rongmao Zhang)
[8] (2013) Jackknife empirical likelihood test for equality of two high-dimensional means
Statistica Sinica, 23(2), 667-690
(with Liang Peng and Yongcheng Qi)
[7] (2013) Bounds for the sum of dependent risks and worst Value-at-Risk with monotone marginal densities
Finance and Stochastics, 17(2), 395-417
(with Liang Peng and Jingping Yang)

[6] (2013) Jackknife empirical likelihood for parametric copulas
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2013(5), 325-339
(with Liang Peng and Jingping Yang)


[5] (2012) Jackknife empirical likelihood method for some risk measures and related quantities
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 51(1), 142-150
(with Liang Peng, Yongcheng Qi and Jingping Yang)
[4] (2012) Advances in complete mixability
Journal of Applied Probability, 49(2), 430-440
(with Giovanni Puccetti and Bin Wang)


[3] (2011) Jackknife empirical likelihood intervals for Spearman's rho
North American Actuarial Journal, 15(4), 475-486
(with Liang Peng)
[2] (2011) The complete mixability and convex minimization problems for monotone marginal densities
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 102(10), 1344-1360
(with Bin Wang)


[1] (2009) A class of multivariate copulas with bivariate Frechet marginal copulas
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 45(1), 139-147
(with Yongcheng Qi and Jingping Yang)

Other Publications and Manuscripts

(2024) Proposer of the vote of thanks to Grรผnwald, de Heide and Koolen and discussion of `Safe testing'
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 86(5), 1129-1131

(2024) Discussion of 'Estimating means of bounded random variables by betting' by Waudby-Smith and Ramdas
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 86(1), 32-33

(2021) Discussion of 'Testing by betting: A strategy for statistical and scientific communication' by Glenn Shafer
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 184(2), 463-464

(2015) The most dangerous model: A natural benchmark for assessing model risk
Society of Actuaries Monograph: Enterprise Risk Management Symposium, 2015
(with John Major and Micah Woolstenhulme)



(2011) Sanguosha: The Royal Road (in Chinese)
Publishing House of Electronics Industry, China ISBN-9787121126833