Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realized there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. – Lao Tzu
PhD student Wei Liang won the Poster Award at the 2023 ICSA China Conference.
Changbao Wu's review paper, Statistical Inference with Non-probability Survey Samples, with discussions by Michael Bailey, Michael Elliott, Sharon Lohr, Xiao-Li Meng, Zhonglei Wang and Jae Kwang Kim, is published by Survey Methodology, December 15, 2022.
Dr. Meng Yuan is featured on the University of Waterloo Daily Bulletin, June 15, 2022.
Meng Yuan Awarded 2022 Mathematics Doctoral Prize.
Changbao Wu Named Fellow of IMS (April 28, 2021).
Dr. Shixiao Zhang wins the SSC 2020 Pierre Robillard Award (Announcement by SSC).
PhD student Yilin Chen won the 2019 Best Student Paper Award of the Survey Methods Section of SSC.
PhD student Shixiao Zhang won the 2017 Best Student Paper Award of the Survey Methods Section of SSC.
PhD student Xichen She won the 2015 Best Student Paper Award of the Survey Methods Section of SSC.
Sports: tennis, badminton, squash, basketball and running.
Play in NBA (Non-professional Basketball Association) since 1982.
Best finish in 10K races: 31 minutes 29 seconds, accomplished at the age of 19.
Recent finish in 10K jogging: 1 hour 24 minutes, done at the age of 57.
Group Photo of the First Chinese Statistics Symposium, Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), 1983.