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1. Zhang, R., Zhao, S. and Li, P. (2024) A Theory on Optimal Factorial Designs.  Beijing: Science Press.

Submitted Papaers

1. Sun, Y.*, Sang, P., Tian, Q. and Li, P. (2025) Likelihood-based nonparametric receiver operating characteristic curve analysis in the presence of imperfect reference standard.  

2. Yu, T., Qin, J. and Li, P. (2024) Maximum binomial likelihood method for multivariate mixture data.  

3. Li, P., Yu, T., Chen, C. and Qin, J. (2024) Shape-restricted transfer learning analysis for generalized linear regression models.  

4. Liu, Y, Yuan, M*, Li, P and Wu, C (2024) Statistical inference with nonignorable non-probability survey samples.  

5. Hu, D*, Yu, T and Li, P (2024) Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis with non-ignorable missing disease status.  


85. Liu, S.*, Yeh, C., Zhang, X., Tian, Q. and Li, P. (2025) Positive and unlabeled data: model, estimation, inference, and classification.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, In press.

84. Liu, Y.*, Li, P. and Liu, Y. (2025) Penalized empirical likelihood estimation and EM algorithms for closed-population capture-recapture models.  Statistics and Computing, 35:25.


83. Liu, Y.*, Liu, Y., Li, P. and Zhang, Z. (2024) Two-step semiparametric empirical likelihood inference from capture--recapture data with missing covariates.   Test, 33, 786-808.

82. Wang, C., Li, P., Liu, Y., Zhou, X.-H. and Qin, J. (2024) Hypothesis test in a mixture forward incubation time epidemic model with an application to COVID-19 outbreak.   Statistica Sinica, 34, 2219-2236.

81. Liu S*, Tian Q, Liu Y and Li P. (2024) Joint statistical inference for the area under the ROC Curve and Youden index under a density ratio model.  Mathematics, 12(13):2118.


80. Li, P., Liu, Y. and Qin, J. (2023) Instability of inverse probability weighting methods and a remedy for non-ignorable missing data.  Biometrics, 79, 3215-3226.

79. Li, P., Yu, T., Chen, B. and Qin, J. (2023) Maximum profile binomial likelihood estimation for the semiparametric Box--Cox power transformation model.  Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17, 2317-2342.

78. Chen, Y.*, Li, P. and Wu, C. (2023) Dealing with undercoverage for non-probability survey samples.   Survey Methodology, 49, 497-515.

77. Hu, D.*, Yuan, M.*, Yu, T. and Li, P. (2023) Statistical inference for the two-sample problem under likelihood ratio ordering, with application to the ROC curve estimation.  Statistics in Medicine, 42, 3649-3664.

76. Yu, T., Li, P., Chen, B., Yuan, A. and Qin, J. (2023) Maximum pairwise-rank-likelihood-based inference for the semiparametric transformation model.  Journal of Econometrics, 235, 454-469.

75. Yuan, M.*, Li P. and Wu C. (2023) Semiparametric inference on Gini indices of two semicontinuous populations under density ratio models.  The Econometrics Journal, 26, 174-188.


74. Chen, Y.*, Li, P., Rao, J. and Wu, C. (2022) Pseudo empirical likelihood inference for non-probability survey samples.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 50, 1166-1185.

73. Yuan, M.*, Li P. and Wu C. (2022) Semiparametric empirical likelihood inference with estimating equations under density ratio models.  Electronic Journal of Statistics, 16, 5321-5377.

72. Qin, J., Liu, Y. and Li, P. (2022) A selective review of statistical methods using calibration information from similar studies (with discussion).  Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 6, 175-190 and 204-207.

71. Liu, Y.*, Li, P., Liu, Y. and Zhang, R. (2022+) Semiparametric empirical likelihood inference for abundance from one-inflated capture–recapture data.  Biometrical Journal, 64, 1040-1055.

70. Wang, C.*, Marriott, P. and Li, P. (2022) A note on the coverage behaviour of bootstrap percentile confidence intervals for constrained parameters.  Metrika, 85, 809-831.

69. Sheng, Z., Liu, Y., Li, P. and Qin, J. (2022) Likelihood ratio test for genetic association study with case-control data under Probit model.  Journal of Applied Statistics, 49, 3717-3731.

68. Hu, Z., Li, P.,Follmann, D. and Qin, J. (2022) A mixture distribution approach for assessing genetic impact from twin study. Statistics in Medicine, 41, 2513-2522.

67. Yuan, M.*, Wang, C.*, Lin, B.* and Li, P. (2022) Semiparametric inference on general functionals of two semicontinuous populations.  Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics,74, 451–472.

66. Li M., Liu Y., Li P. and Qin J. (2022) Empirical likelihood meta analysis with publication bias correction under Copas-like selection model.  Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 74, 93-112.

65. Liu, Y., Li, P. and Qin, J. (2022) Full-semiparametric-likelihood-based inference for non-ignorable missing data.  Statistica Sinica, 32, 271-292. Supplementary Material.


64. Yuan M*., Li P. and Wu C. (2021) Semiparametric inference of the Youden index and the optimal cutoff Point under density ratio models.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 49, 965-986.

63. Liu, Y.*, Liu, Y., Li, P. and Zhu, L. (2021) Maximum likelihood abundance estimation from capture-recapture data when covariates are missing at random.  Biometrics, 77, 1050-1060.

62. Li, P., Akinlawon, O.*, and Zhao, S. (2021) Controlling individual and experimentwise error rates in replicated regular two-level factorial experiments.  Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50, 1770-1790. Supplementary Material.

61. Chen, J., Li, P., Liu, Y. and Zidek, J. (2021) Composite empirical likelihood for multisample clustered data.  Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 33, 60-81.

60. Tian, Z.*, Liang, K. and Li, P. (2021) Maximum multinomial likelihood estimation in compound mixture model with application to malaria study.  Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 33, 21-38.

59. Chen, J, Li, P., Qin, J. and Yu, T. (2021) Test for homogeneity with unordered paired observations.  Electronic Journal of Statistics, 15, 1661-1694.

58. Tian, Z.*, Liang, K. and Li, P. (2021) A powerful procedure that controls the false discovery rate with directional information.  Biometrics, 77, 212-222.

57. Liu Y., Li P., Song L., Yu K., Qin J. (2021) Retrospective score tests versus prospective score tests for genetic association with case-control data.  Biometrics, 77, 102-112.


56. Chen, Y.*, Li, P. and Wu, C. (2020) Doubly robust inference with non-probability survey samples.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115, 2011-2021.

55. Liu*, G., Li, P., Liu, Y. and Pu, X. (2020) Hypothesis testing for quantitative trait locus effects in both location and scale in genetic backcross studies.  Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 47, 1064-1089.

54. Chen, J., Li, P. and Liu, G.* (2020) Homogeneity testing under finite location-scale mixtures.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 48, 670-684.


53. Yu, T., Li, P. and Qin, J. (2019) Maximum smoothed likelihood component density estimation in mixture models with known mixing proportions.  Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13, 4035-4078.

52. Qin, J., Yu, T., Li, P., Liu, H and Chen, B. (2019) Using a monotone single-index model to stabilize the propensity score in missing data problems and causal inference.  Statistics in Medicine, 38, 1442-1458.

51. Niu, X*, Li, P. and Fu, Y. (2019) Testing Homogeneity in a heteroscedastic contaminated normal mixture.  Journal of Applied Statistics, 46, 1478-1491.

50. Liu, G.*, Li, P., Liu, Y. and Pu, X. (2019) On consistency of the MLE under finite mixture of location-scale distributions with a structural parameter.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 199, 29-44.


49. Liu, Y.*, Liu, Y., Li, P. and Qin, J. (2018) Full likelihood inference for abundance from continuous-time capture-recapture data.  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 80, 995-1014.

48. Chen, B., Li, P. and Qin, J. (2018) Generalization of Heckman selection model to nonignorable nonresponse using call-back information.  Statistica Sinica, 28, 1761-1785. Supplementary Material.

47. Wang, C.*, Marriott, P. and Li, P. (2018) Semiparametric inference on the means of multiple nonnegative distributions with excess zero observations.  Journal of Multivaraite Analysis, 166, 182-197.

46. Liu, G.*, Fu, Y., Li, P. and Pu, X. (2018) Using differential variability to increase the power of the homogeneity test in a two-sample problem.  Statistica Sinica, 28, 27-41. Supplementary Material.


45. Li, P., Liu, Y. and Qin, J. (2017) Semiparametric inference in a genetic mixture model.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112, 1250-1260.

44. Liu, Y., Li, P. and Qin, J. (2017) Maximum empirical likelihood estimation for abundance in a closed population from capture-recapture data.  Biometrika, 104, 527-543. Supplementary Material.

43. Wang, C*., Marriott, P. and Li, P. (2017) Testing homogeneity for multiple nonnegative distributions with excess zero observations.  Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 114, 146-157.

42. Yu, T., Li, P. and Qin, J. (2017) Density estimation in the two-sample problem with likelihood ratio ordering.  Biometrika, 104, 141-152. Supplementary Material.


41. Li, P. and Tian, Z.* (2016) Maximum smoothed likelihood estimation of the centre of a symmetric distribution.  In Advanced Statistical Methods in Data Science. D. Chen, J. Chen, X. Lu, Y. Yi, and H. Yu (Eds.). Singapore: Springer. 195-204.

40. Chen, B., Li, P., Qin, J. and Yu, T. (2016) Using a monotonic density ratio model to find the asymptotically optimal combination of multiple diagnostic tests.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111, 861-874.

39. Niu, X.*, Li, P. and Zhang, P. (2016) Testing homogeneity in a scale mixture of normal distributions.  Statistical papers, 57, 499-516.

38. Zhao S. and Li P. (2016) Construction of minimum aberration blocked two-level regular factorial designs.  Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, 45, 5028-5036.

37. Chen, J., Li, P. and Liu, Y. (2016) Sample-size calculation for tests of homogeneity.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 44, 82-101.

36. Chen, J. and Li, P. (2016) Testing the order of a normal mixture in mean.  Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 4, 21-38.

35. Zhao, S., Lin, K. J. D., and Li, P. (2016) A note on the construction of blocked two-level designs with general minimum lower order confounding.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 172, 16-22.


34. Qin, J., Zhang, H., Li, P., Albanes, D. and Yu, K. (2015) Use covariate specific disease prevalence information to increase the power of case-control study.  Biometrika, 102,169-180. Supplementary Material.

33. Zhang, P., Luo, D., Li, P., Sharpsten, L., and Medeiros, F. (2015) Log-gamma linear mixed-effects models for multiple outcomes with application to a longitudinal glaucoma study.  Biometrical Journal, 57, 766-776.


32. Wiens, D. and Li, P. (2014) V-optimal designs for heteroscedastic regression.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 145, 125-138.

31. Serban, N. and Li, P. (2014) A statistical test for mixture detection with application to component identification in multi-dimensional biomolecular NMR studies.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 42, 36-60.

30. Fu Y., Li P. and Chung S.* (2014) Sample size calculation for the modified likelihood ratio test in genetic linkage analysis.  Journal of Biometrics & Biostatistics 5:205.


29. Yu, T. and Li, P. (2013) Spatial shrinkage estimation of diffusion tensors on diffusion weighted imaging data.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108, 864-875.

28. Zhao, S., Li, P. and Rohana Karunamuni (2013) Blocked two-level regular factorial designs with weak minimum aberration.  Biometrika, 100, 249-253.

27. Zhao, S., Li, P., Zhang, R. and Karunamuni, R. (2013) Construction of blocked two-level regular designs with general minimum lower order confounding.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 143, 1082-1090.

26. Zhao, S., Li, P. and Liu, M. (2013) Results on blocked resolution IV designs containing clear two-factor interactions.  Journal of Complexity, 29, 389-395.

25. Manafiazar, G., McFadden T., Goonewardene L., Okine E., Basarab J., Li P. and Wang Z. (2013) Prediction of residual feed intake for first lactation dairy cows using orthogonal polynomial random regression.  Journal of Dairy Science, 96, 7991-8001.


24. Chen, J., Li, P. and Fu, Y. (2012) Inference on the order of a normal mixture.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, 1096-1105.

23. Wiens, D. and Li, P. (2012) A robust treatment of a dose-response study.  Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 28, 164-173.

22. Liu, Y., Li, P. and Fu, Y. (2012) Testing homogeneity in a semi-parametric two-sample model.  Journal of Probability and Statistics, vol. 2012, Article ID 537474.


21. Li, P. and Qin, J. (2011) A new nuisance parameter elimination method with application to unordered homologous chromosome pairs problem.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106, 1476-1484.

20. Chen, J and Li, P. (2011) Tuning EM-test for finite mixture models.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 39, 389-404.

19. Li, P., Zhao, S. and Zhang, R. (2011) A theory on constructing 2n-m designs with general minimum lower order confounding.  Statistica Sinica, 21,1571-1589.

18. Niu, X*, Li, P. and Zhang, P. (2011) Testing homogeneity in a multivariate mixture model.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 39, 218-238.

17. Li, P. and Wiens, D. (2011) Robustness of design in dose-response studies.  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 73, 215-238.

16. Chen, J. and Li, P. (2011) The limiting distribution of the EM-test of the order of a finite mixture.  In Mixture Estimation and Applications, K. Mengersen, C. Robert, and D. M. Titterington (Eds.). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. 55-75.


15. Li, P. and Chen, J. (2010) Testing the order of a finite mixture model.  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105, 1084-1092.


14. Chen, J. and Li, P. (2009) Hypothesis test for normal mixture models: the EM approach.  The Annals of Statistics, 37, 2523-2542. Supplementary Material.

13. Li, P., Chen, J. and Marriott, P. (2009) Non-finite Fisher information and homogeneity: the EM approach.  Biometrika, 96, 411-42.

12. Li, P. and Wang, D. (2009) Numerical analysis of the validity of uniform design in stated choice modeling.  Transport Reviews, 29, 619-634.


11. Chen, J., Li, P. and Fu, Y. (2008) Testing homogeneity in a mixture of von Mises distributions with a structural parameter.  The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 36, 129-142.

10. Fu, Y., Chen, J. and Li, P. (2008) Modified likelihood ratio test for homogeneity in a mixture of von Mises distributions.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, 667-681.


9. Li, P., Liu, M. and Zhang, R. (2007) 2m41 designs with minimum aberration or weak minimum aberration.  Statistical Paper, 48, 235-248.

8. Chen, J., Li, P. and Tan, X. (2007) Inference for von Mises mixture in mean directions and concentration parameters.  Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science, 27, 59-67.


7. Yang, J., Li, P., Liu, M. and Zhang, R. (2006) 2(n1+n2)-(k1+k2) fractional factorial split-plot designs containing clear effects.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 4450-4458.

6. Chen, B., Li, P., Liu, M. and Zhang, R. (2006) Some results on blocked regular 2-level fractional factorial designs with clear effects.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 4436-4449.

5. Li, P., Chen, B., Liu, M. and Zhang, R. (2006) A note on minimum aberration and clear criteria.  Statistics and Probability Letters, 76, 1007-1011.


4. Wang, D. and Li, P. (2005) Does uniform design really work in stated choice modeling? A simulation study.  Transportmetrica, 1, 209-222.

3. Ai, M., Li, P. and Zhang, R. (2005) Optimal criteria and equivalence for nonregular fractional factorial designs.  Metrika, 62, 73-83.

2. Li, P., Liu, M. and Zhang, R. (2005) Choice of optimal initial designs in sequential experiments.  Metrika, 61, 127-135.


1. Li, P., Liu, M. and Zhang, R. (2004) Some theory and the construction of mixed-level supersaturated designs.  Statistics and Probability Letters, 69, 105-116.