Jul. 2019 - Present |
Professor, University of Waterloo |
Sep. 2018 - Jun. 2020 |
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, University of Waterloo |
Jul. 2014 - Jun. 2019 |
Associate Professor, University of Waterloo |
Jan. 2012 - Jun. 2014 |
Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo |
Jul. 2008 - Dec. 2011 |
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta |
Jan. 2008 - Jun. 2008 |
Postdoc, University of British Columbia |
2007 |
PhD (Statistics), University of Waterloo, Canada |
• Supervisor: Professor Jiahua Chen and Professor Paul Marriott |
• Thesis title: Hypothesis testing in finite mixture models |
2004 |
MA (Statistics), Nankai University, China |
• Supervisor: Professor Runchu Zhang |
• Thesis title: Optimal fractional factorial design and their construction |
2001 |
BSc (Statistics), Nankai University, China |
Jan.2012 - Present |
Associate Editor, The Canadian Journal of Statistics |
Jan. 2017 - Present |
Associate Editor, Metrika |
Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2015 |
Guest Associate Editor, Statistica Sinica |
2022 |
CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics |
2022 |
Elected Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) |
2021 |
Outstanding Performance Award, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo |
2020 |
Golden Jubilee Research Excellence Award, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo |
2018 |
Outstanding Performance Award, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo |
2017 |
Faculty of Mathematics Award for Distinction in Teaching, University of Waterloo |
2015 |
Outstanding Performance Award, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo |
2014 |
Statistics and Actuarial Science Teaching Award, University of Waterloo |
2007 |
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo |
2007 |
President's Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo |
2006 |
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo |
2006 |
President's Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo |
2005 |
Teaching Assistant Award, University of Waterloo |
2005 |
Comprehensive Exam Scholarship, University of Waterloo |