;;; US draft lottery data for 1970 (Vietnam war).
;;; Selected December 1, 1969.
;;; Source: http://www.sss.gov/lotter1.htm
;;; Compiled by: R.W. Oldford, 2005
;;; Rows are months Jan-Dec and columns are #days 
;;; in that month which fall into each of three
;;; draft risk categories High, Medium, and Low.
;;; The lottery would assign each day of the year a
;;; unique number at random (supposedly) without replacement
;;; from 1 through 366.
;;; Young men who were eligible for that draft thus had
;;; a number associated with the day of their birth.
;;; Men were drafted in the order of the numbers associated
;;; (by lottery) with their birthday.
;;; Those at highest risk of being drafted would have had
;;; a low lottery number, those at lowest risk a high lottery number.
;;; The lottery numbers are divided into three categories 
;;; of risk -- High, Medium, and Low --
;;; each representing roughly one third of the days in a year.
;;; Those birthdays having the highest risk have lottery numbers
;;; 1-122, medium risk have numbers 123-244, and the lowest risk
;;; category contains lottery numbers 245-366.
;;; Highest numbers called up were:
;;;       1970 ... 195
;;;       1971 ... 125
;;;       1972 ...  95
;;;       1973 ... no numbers called.
;;; If the lottery is fair, then the risk categories and the 
;;; months of the year should be probabilistically independent.
;;; ... a straightforward chi-square test of independence indicates
;;;     indicates evidence against independence. 
;;; Variables are Month and Risk
Month, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 
Risk, High, Medium, Low