#  This file produces a dataset called nuggets.train and nuggets.test
#  which is much like "nuggets2" from Will Welch's notes Chapt. 1
#  It also produces a function "getNuggets" which can produce further test data
#  Authors:
#       R.W. Oldford, 2004

getNuggets <- 
 function (n, prior)
  {# Get the class labels
   y <- matrix(rbinom(n, size=1, prob = prior),n,1)
   x1 <- matrix(apply(y,1,function(class)
                    {if (class==0)
                      (if (runif(1,0,1) < 1/3) 
                          runif(1,0,0.5) else 
                          runif(1, 0.5,1)) else
                          if (runif(1,0,1) < 1/2)
                             runif(1,0,0.4) else runif(1,0.6,0.9)
                n, 1)
   x2 <- matrix(apply(y,1,function(class)
                    {if (class==0)
                      runif(1,0,1) else
                          if (runif(1,0,1) < 1/2)
                             runif(1,0,0.4) else runif(1,0.6,0.9)
                n, 1)
   data.frame(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, y = y)

nuggets.train <- getNuggets(100, 3/4)
nuggets.test <- getNuggets(100, 3/4)