# Things to watch when using the S language
# Author:  R.W. Oldford, 2004

# 1. No clearly visible end of expression marker.

fubar <- function() {
                1 + 2
                  + 3

snafu <- function() {
                1 + 2 +

# produce different answers because an invisible
# character ( \newline or \return) marks the end
# of an expression except of course if S can tell
# by the characters so far parsed that there is more to come.
# This can be a very subtle bug if buried in the middle of some
# complicated S function. (Esp. Since some editors wrap `nicely'
# while others do not.)

# 2.  Contagion of the "string" data type.

x <- matrix(1:12 , 4, 3)
# is a matrix of numbers, to which I can rbind, cbind, etc.
x <- rbind(x, 100)
x <- cbind(x, 1000)
# which is just fine.  
# But suppose I want to add a variate which
# takes on two values "Green" and "Blue"

x <- cbind(x, c("Green", "Blue", "Green", "Green", "Blue"))

# Suddenly ALL of the elements of the resulting x are strings!!!
# (and so each column has become a categorical variate, or factor, for
# modelling purposes! e.g. via multinom() from library(nnet) ...)
# This easily happens when, for example I rely on the filling mechanism
# as when I want to construct two samples

x1 <- matrix(rnorm(15),5,3)
x1 <- cbind(x1,"First sample")

x2 <- matrix(rnorm(21),7,3)
x2 <- cbind(x2,"Second sample")

xboth <- rbind(x1, x2)

# Whose elements were long ago turned into strings ...
# To build this properly you need to build factors
# first and then cbind() them to the numerical data.

# 3.  Asymmetric control syntax.

# This is more a matter of taste about the design of the
# parsing of S expressions.
# Call to if is as if it were a function: if (predicate_test)
# consequence follows immediately without a "then" appearing
# but alternative *requires* "else" to precede it as in

x <- 7
if (x > 3) 0 else 1
# so the following is a syntactical error
if (x > 3) then 0 else 1
# as is
if (x > 3)  0  1

# This is a (somewhat) natural consequence of the S parsing rule(s)
# It would also have been handy to have a natural vector based looping
# by allowing the predicate_test (cond in the help file description)
# to result in a vector of length > 1 whose elements are logicals.
# For example, the following could be used to prduce bernoulli rvs.
# (Yes, these are produced by rbinom, but that's not the point.)

x <- runif(100)
if (x < .5) 0 else 1